Queensland Doctors

Below is a list of Orthopaedic Surgeons who specialize in ankle surgery in Queensland. All of the Surgeons below are members of the Australian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society
This is by no means a complete list and you may find other Surgeons in your area.

Spring Hill QLD
Dr Greg Sterling
Suite 6.4, Level 6,
ST Andrews Hospital,
457 Wickham Terrace,
Spring Hill 4000
Phone: 1300 478 375
Web: http://www.gregsterling.com.au/
Auchenflower QLD
Dr Ben Forster
Suite 14, Level 10,
Evan Thomson Building,
24 Chasely Street,
Auchenflower, QLD, 4066
Phone: +61 7 3721 8600
Web: http://www.qcos.net.au/
Auchenflower QLD
Dr Steven Hatcher
Suite 14, Level 10,
Evan Thomson Building,
24 Chasely Street,
Auchenflower, QLD, 4066
Phone: +61 7 3721 8600
Web: http://www.qcos.net.au/

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